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Sponsorship Opportunities

The entire format of IYNC2024 is based on the idea of bringing people together. Our goals are to elevate networking, expand and share best practices, and transfer knowledge across and between generations and domestic borders. Our sponsors play a pivotal role in developing the International Youth Nuclear Congress community across all sectors of nuclear science and technology.


Provide your organization with a unique opportunity to network with key decision makers

Exposure and Branding

Position yourself as an industry leader and seize the opportunities to impress the world’s leading minds in nuclear science and technology

Workforce Development

Invest in the future of our industry

Unlock the Future: Sponsor the International Youth Nuclear Congress

Why Invest in the Future of Nuclear Science and Technology?

At the crossroads of innovation and progress, the International Youth Nuclear Congress beckons – an extraordinary opportunity for your organization to spearhead advancements in the nuclear industry. As we convene to shape the future, we invite you to be a driving force in this transformative journey.

Explore Sponsorship Benefits

  • Leadership in the Nuclear Industry
    Position your brand at the forefront of nuclear science and technology. Showcase your commitment to progress and innovation, aligning with industry leaders.
  • Global Visibility
    Gain unparalleled exposure on an international stage. Your brand will be prominently featured in pre-event promotions and throughout the conference, reaching a diverse global audience.
  • Networking Opportunities
    Forge connections with decision-makers, thought leaders, and emerging talents in the nuclear community. Leverage unique networking opportunities to shape future collaborations.
  • Invest in the Next Generation
    Demonstrate your dedication to nurturing young talent in the nuclear sector. Your sponsorship directly contributes to the development and education of future industry leaders.

Sponsorship Levels

Benefits Platinum*
Keynote Speaker 1 Speaker
Logos on 2024 conference lanyards X
Sponsorship of one IYNC2024 lunch X
Sponsorship of one IYNC2024 coffee break X
Early preview and discussion of IYNC World
Nuclear ThermometerProject Report
Company name on one travel scholarship X X
Showcase video of company played during conference 1 min max. 30s max
Complimentary Registrations 9 6 4 2 None
Public display banner at lobby/registration desk X X X X X
Featured as a sponsor during IYNC2024 conference
(at applicable level of sponsorship)
Recognition of applicable sponsorship level
on IYNC website
Expo Booth** (Value: 1,250 USD per square meter
and an additional 800 USD for 2 exhibitor passes)
16m 2 10m 2 6m 2 4m 2 50% discount 4m 2 25% discount

*Limited to four platinum sponsors

**Expo booth includes two complimentary exhibitor passes and a basic showcase setup.

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