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Interactive Workshops

Hands-On Learning for Tomorrow’s Challenges

Dive deep into the heart of nuclear innovation through our interactive workshops. From emerging technologies in nuclear research to sustainable practices in nuclear energy, these sessions provide a hands-on, immersive experience. Participate, engage, and be at the forefront of the latest developments in the field.

Strategic Energy Planning for Net-Zero: Harnessing IAEA Tools for Tailored Solutions

Workshop Manager: Brianna Lazerwitz, IAEA


This interactive workshop invites participants to delve into the world of strategic energy planning using the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) advanced energy planning tools. Through hands-on simulations, attendees will learn how to utilize these tools to create customized energy strategies that align with the goal of achieving net-zero emissions in their respective countries. The workshop will guide participants through various scenarios, teaching them to adjust and optimize energy mixes and infrastructure investments effectively. By the end of the session, participants will have developed actionable strategies tailored to the unique needs and resources of their countries, empowering them to make informed decisions towards a sustainable energy future.

Mastering 3S (Safety, Security & Safeguards) Integration in Nuclear Facility Design

Workshop Manager: Kristine Madden, IAEA


Join us for a dynamic workshop designed to enhance your expertise in integrating ssafeguards into nuclear facility designs. Engage with experts and participate in hands-on simulations to apply safeguards concepts in realistic scenarios. This session will deepen your strategic thinking and collaboration skills, equipping you with practical tools and insights for embedding comprehensive 3S principles in your projects. Perfect for engineers, project managers, and safety specialists seeking to ensure excellence and compliance in nuclear operations.

Synergy Workshop: Crafting Pathways for Integration

Workshop Manager: Kristine Madden, IAEA; Saikat Das, Jal Desai, Holly Darrow, Nice Future


Following a panel discussion with leading climate change advocates, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to dive deeper into how the nuclear industry can effectively enhance its role within the clean energy sector. Participants will explore actionable strategies for better integration and improved communication with other clean energy initiatives. Through guided discussions and collaborative activities, you’ll engage with experts and peers to develop innovative solutions that align nuclear energy more closely with global sustainability goals. This session is designed for professionals eager to bridge gaps and foster partnerships that leverage nuclear energy’s potential as a pivotal component of the clean energy landscape.

Navigating Climate Diplomacy: UNFCCC Simulation Workshop

Workshop Manager: Saikat Das, YOUNGO


Step into the world of international climate diplomacy with our interactive workshop designed to immerse participants in the complexities of the UNFCCC negotiation process. Through engaging simulations and in-depth discussions, attendees will gain a deep understanding of the dynamics shaping global climate agreements. Led by experienced facilitators, this session will challenge participants to adopt diplomatic roles and negotiate on behalf of different nations, allowing them to experience firsthand the intricacies of international climate negotiations. Whether you’re a seasoned climate policy expert or new to the field, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to explore the challenges and opportunities of climate diplomacy in a collaborative and interactive setting.

Nuclear Nexus: Strategic Workshop for Newcomer Nuclear Power Programs

Workshop Manager: Henry Preston, WNA


The Nuclear Nexus Game, developed by the World Nuclear Association, is an engaging and interactive card game that immerses participants in the complexities of establishing a nuclear power program in a newcomer country. Players explore the various stages, stakeholders, and strategies involved, gaining a comprehensive understanding of how these elements interconnect while sharing expertise and experiences from different sectors of the nuclear industry. Featuring around 30 cards, the game covers key topics such as supply chains, regulations and laws, finance, energy policy and politics, technological advancements, environmental considerations, and public engagement. Additionally, participants can use a “wildcard” to introduce any element they believe is crucial to the discussion.

Mastering Communication: Crafting Compelling Messages for Diverse Audiences

Workshop Manager: Lubo Mitev, UAE


This workshop is dedicated to enhancing your communications and media skills, crucial for crafting compelling messages and engaging effectively with diverse audiences. Participants will undergo practical training in media relations, public speaking, and digital communication techniques. Through interactive sessions led by experienced communicators, you’ll learn how to confidently handle interviews, press conferences, and social media platforms. This hands-on workshop is ideal for anyone looking to improve their media presence and communication strategies, ensuring your messages are not only heard but resonate strongly with your target audience.

InnoGames: Igniting Innovation through Interactive Workshops

Workshop Manager: Alice Cunha da Silva, Spain


Welcome to an immersive Innovation Workshop aimed at cultivating a forward-thinking mindset and fostering creativity among participants. Through engaging group activities and discussions, attendees will develop skills for challenging assumptions, embracing diverse perspectives, and reimagining existing paradigms. Led by experienced facilitators, this workshop aims to provide innovative insights that can spark meaningful change within organizations and projects. Join us for a dynamic exploration of innovation and unleash your creative potential!

Enhancing Safety in Nuclear Power Plants: A Deep Dive into Reactor Shop Safety Systems

Workshop Manager: Dmitry Nesterets, Russia


This workshop aims to deepen participants’ understanding of the critical safety systems within the reactor shops of nuclear power plants, focusing on modern systems implemented in VVER, AP, and EPR projects. Through detailed examinations of specific systems such as the Reactor Coolant Circuit, Passive Heat Removal, and Emergency Steam Generator Cooldown Systems, among others, attendees will explore operational principles, assess potential threats, and discuss system features and types. The session will blend presentations with active group discussions, allowing participants to evaluate safety systems and brainstorm improvements. The workshop is structured to encourage critical thinking and technical analysis, enhancing participants’ abilities to identify system features, understand their operational dynamics, and propose innovative solutions. By the end of this engaging session, attendees will be better equipped to contribute to the safety enhancements in nuclear power plant operations, carrying forward their learned skills in technical scheme analysis and collaborative problem-solving.

Atom's Journey: Exploring Nuclear Energy Through Play

Workshop Manager: Alexis Rene, France


Embark on an interactive journey with Atom’s Journey, a captivating game designed to unravel the complexities of the nuclear fuel cycle and power generation principles. Created for post-baccalaureate students and nuclear industry professionals, this game features 37 elemental tiles and 56 counters representing material flows. Lasting approximately two hours, the workshop invites participants to reconstruct the fuel cycle and power plant operations while fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment. Each tile features colorful illustrations and informative descriptions, complemented by QR codes for access to multimedia content. Atom’s Journey encourages collective intelligence, allowing players to grasp the nuances of nuclear energy in a participatory manner, without hierarchical knowledge dissemination. Developed by a diverse team under a Creative Commons license, this educational tool aims to demystify nuclear energy and promote informed discussions, making it accessible to all.

Deciphering Safety Culture: Differentiating Climate from Culture

Workshop Manager: James Hylko, USA


Safety culture and safety climate are often used interchangeably, yet they represent distinct constructs in organizational behavior. This workshop aims to unravel the complexities surrounding these terms, exploring their differences and commonalities. Through interactive discussions and team-based activities, participants will delve into the key components of safety culture models and learn to distinguish between lagging and leading indicators of safety performance. By engaging in group exercises tailored to various organizational departments, attendees will gain practical insights into developing customized indicators and fostering a robust safety culture within their workplaces. With a flexible format accommodating various time constraints, this workshop promises valuable takeaways for professionals seeking to enhance safety practices and promote a culture of well-being in their organizations.

AI Revolution in Nuclear: Developing Chatbots for Enhanced Efficiency

Workshop Manager: Sara Dara, Canada


This workshop is tailor-made for young professionals eager to harness artificial intelligence and chatbot technology to boost efficiency within the nuclear industry. Participants will gain practical experience in developing and deploying a customized chatbot, specifically designed to meet the unique demands of their organizations, such as ensuring compliance with nuclear regulatory standards. Throughout the session, we will delve into the significant potential of chatbots to transform daily operations and enhance regulatory adherence in nuclear settings. Starting with an introduction to the technology and its applications, the workshop will guide attendees through identifying specific organizational challenges, designing the chatbot’s conversational flow, and ultimately testing and refining their creations. Facilitated by Sara Dara, an experienced nuclear industry analyst with a passion for sustainable innovation, this workshop promises to equip participants with the knowledge and tools to initiate their AI solutions, optimizing operational processes within their roles.

Next-Gen Nuclear: Innovating with Advanced Coolants

Workshop Manager: Okan Yildiz, Turkey


Dive into the future of nuclear technology in this engaging workshop that explores the use of non-traditional coolants like liquid metal, helium, and liquid salt in advanced reactors. These innovations promise enhanced safety, economic benefits, and reduced operational costs. The session starts with expert insights on how these technologies address global challenges like the climate crisis and energy distribution. Participants will brainstorm solutions to overcome technical and regulatory challenges, then form groups to develop and defend their reactor designs to a panel of experts. The workshop concludes with the energetic “ROCK-PAPER-NUCLEAR” game, fostering a fun and dynamic learning environment.

Global Pathways to Nuclear Energy: Crafting Regional Roadmaps

Workshop Manager: Adeline YUEGO, Cameroon


This workshop explores the journey toward nuclear energy production, aiming to develop tailored roadmaps that address regional specificities worldwide. Geared towards young professionals, this session unfolds in interactive phases designed to deepen understanding of nuclear energy’s role in sustainable development. The “Why” phase educates participants on assessing and reducing carbon footprints. In the “How” phases, attendees identify essential steps and priorities for nuclear power adoption specific to their regions, considering local needs and challenges. The “Who” phase fosters dialogue on potential collaborations among countries, organizations, and international bodies like the IAEA. The workshop concludes with a “Summary” phase, where a generic roadmap inspired by global regional insights is crafted and reviewed. This format encourages active participation and knowledge exchange, ensuring that participants leave with a clear vision of how to advocate for and implement nuclear energy solutions in diverse settings.

Nuclear Energy in Tomorrow's Energy Ecosystem

Workshop Manager: Valeriia Liapina, Russia


This workshop delves into the integration of nuclear energy within the future energy landscape, aiming to explore and understand the criteria that guide the selection of energy generation methods. Throughout this interactive session, participants will engage in analyzing how various energy systems function, assess alternative energy generation methods and pinpoint the unique advantages of nuclear energy. Key topics include the influence of geographic and economic contexts on energy choices and the decision-making process regarding the viability of different energy generation types. The event format includes an initial presentation followed by participant-driven group discussions and problem-solving activities, lasting 2-3 hours. Participants will leave with practical insights into energy balance, the strengths of nuclear power, and tailored strategies for energy system modeling.

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