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Travel Grants

IYNC2024 Travel Grant Applications

We are excited to offer travel grants to support young professionals and students in attending IYNC2024. If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding the travel grant application process, please contact us at We look forward to receiving your applications and welcoming you to the IYNC2024 in Abu Dhabi!

IYNC Travel Grants

Applications are due by 30 June 2024.

These grants are offered directly by IYNC to support delegates’ attendance at the congress. They are open to all eligible applicants and are not contingent upon submission of a paper at the conference.

Apply Here

IAEA Travel Grants

Applications for abstracts are due by 31 March 2024.
Applications for paper/poster submission
following abstract submission: 15 April 2024.

IAEA travel grant applications have reached their deadline and are now under review. Stay tuned as the IYNC Team will notify you of your application’s status in the near future.


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