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Keynote and Plenary Sessions

Embark on a Journey of Insights

Immerse yourself in thought-provoking ideas as our distinguished keynote speakers takes the stage. Explore the latest trends and challenges shaping the landscape of nuclear technology. Following this, engage with industry leaders and experts in our plenary sessions. Gain unparalleled perspectives on global collaboration in advancing nuclear science, laying the foundation for the dynamic discussions that will unfold throughout the conference.

Monday, 30 September 2024. Opening Remarks


  • Kristine Madden, President, International Youth Nuclear Congress & General Co-Chair, IYNC2024;
  • Abdulla Al Nuaimi, President, Barakah Youth Council & General Co-Chair, IYNC2024

Monday, 30 September 2024. Keynote Session


  • Mohamed Al Hammadi, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation
  • Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency
  • Rita Baranwal, Senior Vice President of AP300 SMR, Westinghouse


  • Kristine Madden, President, International Youth Nuclear Congress & General Co-Chair, IYNC2024
  • Abdulla Al Nuaimi, President, Barakah Youth Council & General Co-Chair, IYNC2024

Monday, 30 September 2024 High Level Plenary 1: Climate Resilience through Nuclear Science


  • Muna Al Suwaidi, Climate Change Chair, IYNC, UAE
  • Victor Nian, Board Member & CEO, Center for Strategic Energy and Resources
  • Enobot Agboraw, Executive Director, African Commission on Nuclear Energy (AFCONE)
  • TBD, National Atomic Energy Commission, Argentina
  • TBD, International Energy Agency

Chair & Moderator:

  • Kelsy Green, Plenary & Keynotes Sessions Chair, IYNC, USA


Discover the transformative potential of nuclear science in enhancing climate resilience. Experts will explore how nuclear technology is being utilized to mitigate climate change impacts, from low-carbon energy solutions to innovative techniques in agriculture and water management.

Monday, 30 September 2024 High Level Plenary 2: Sustainability within the Nuclear Fuel Cycle


  • Hamid Aït Abderrahim, Chief Executive Officer, MYRRA Project, Belgium
  • Henry Preston, External Communications Manager, World Nuclear Association, UK
  • Moritz von der Linden, Chief Executive Officer, Marvel Fusion GmbH, Germany
  • Louie Swallow, Market Intelligence Analyst, URENCO Global
  • TBD, Nuclear Power and Energy Agency, Kenya

Chair & Moderator:

  • Dinara Ermakova, IYNC Innovation Chair, IYNC, Kazakhstan/USA


Explore the critical role of sustainability within the nuclear fuel cycle, encompassing both fission and fusion technologies, in this insightful plenary session. Experts will discuss innovative strategies for reducing environmental impact, enhancing resource efficiency, and ensuring the long-term viability of nuclear energy.

Monday, 30 September 2024 High Level Plenary 3: Harnessing Nuclear Science: Innovations Beyond Power Generation


  • Bo Liu, Technical Officer, Animal Production and Health Section (Animal Diseases)
  • Estiner Katengeza, Lecturer, Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences

Chair & Moderator:

  • TBD


Dive into the diverse innovations of nuclear science beyond power generation in this enlightening plenary session. Experts will showcase groundbreaking applications in medicine, agriculture, and environmental management, highlighting how nuclear technology is driving advancements and solving critical challenges in these fields.

Tuesday, 1 October 2024 High Level Plenary 4: Towards Sustainable Nuclear Communities


  • Massimo Aparo, Deputy Director General and Head of Department of Safeguards, International Atomic Energy Agency
  • Hanane Zajly, Vice President, Talent Management, Nawah Energy Company, UAE
  • Hideki Masui, President, Japan Atomic Industrial Forum
  • Lenka Kollar, Co-Founder, Helixos, Australia

Chair & Moderator:

  • Chair & Moderator: Khaled AlHashmi, Registration Co-Chair, IYNC, UAE


Embark on a journey towards sustainable nuclear communities in this dynamic plenary session. Delve into the intersection of commercialization, community consensus, past lessons learned, and IAEA safeguards, as experts explore how innovative practices, informed by historical insights, drive sustainable development and garner community support.

Wednesday, 2 October 2024 High Level Plenary 5: Emerging Markets and Applications


  • Khalid Khasawneh, Commission for Nuclear Power Reactors, Jordan Atomic Energy Commission, Jordan
  • Cristian De Francia, Legal Expert, Office of Legal Affairs, International Atomic Energy Agency
  • Hans Korteweg, Executive Director, COGEN World Coalition & Managing Director, COGEN Europe, Belgium
  • Marcel Devos, Vice President, Innovation, Safety & Licensing, Prodigy SMR
  • TBD, The eCEOs Sdn Bhn, Malaysia

Chair & Moderator:

  • Alice Cunha da Silva, Professional Development Chair, International Youth Nuclear Congress, Brazil/Spain


Delve into captivating insights on emerging market applications in this plenary session, where a spectrum of nuclear innovations, from desalination and district heating to pioneering designs like floating nuclear power plants, are highlighted. Navigate through the complex regulatory landscape, unveiling how these technologies are progressing in emerging markets to fulfil crucial needs while ensuring rigorous IAEA Safeguards, security and safety measures.

Thursday, 3 October 2024 High Level Plenary 6: Financing Good Projects


  • Milko Kovachev, International Bank for Nuclear Infrastructure, Bulgaria
  • Amal Al Sulaimani, Vice President, Supply Chain, Nawah Energy Company, United Arab Emirates
  • Hee Yong Lee, Co-Chief Executive Officer, JEIL Partners, South Korea, Chair & Moderator:
  • Brianna Lazerwitz, Energy Economist, International Atomic Energy Agency


Explore the pivotal elements that inform investment decisions, ranging from assessing the feasibility of various designs to navigating the intricacies of workforce development and fortifying supply chains. Together, these factors converge to chart the course of sustainable energy endeavours, reflecting the nuanced dynamics of the nuclear sphere.

Friday, 4 October 2024 High Level Plenary 7: Closing Event: Youth Powering the Future


  • Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association, Bulgaria
  • Ghayah Al Harmoodi, Nuclear Engineering Student, United Arab Emirates
  • Saikat Das, Energy Working Group, YOUNGO, India/UK
  • Beniamin Strelecki, United Nations Secretary-General Climate Change Advisory Board, Poland

Chair & Moderator:

  • Kristine Madden, President, International Youth Nuclear Congress & General Co-Chair, IYNC2024


Participate in a dynamic intergenerational dialogue as industry executives collaborate with emerging leaders from the nuclear and broader energy sectors. Together, we’ll reflect on pivotal insights gleaned from the week’s discussions, leveraging our collective expertise to chart actionable steps towards forging a sustainable and inclusive energy landscape. Explore the intersection of seasoned wisdom and fresh perspectives, harnessing this synergy to drive meaningful change for generations to come.

Friday, 4 October 2024 Closing Session


  • Sama Bilbao y Leon, Director General, World Nuclear Association
  • Mikhail Chudakov, Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Energy, International Atomic Energy Agency
  • Abdulla Al Nuaimi, President, Barakah Youth Council & General Co-Chair, IYNC2024
  • Kristine Madden, President, International Youth Nuclear Congress & General Co-Chair, IYNC2024

Learn more about the conference programme


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