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Daily Schedule

Day 1. Sunday, 29 Septemeber 2024

AM IYNC Board of Directors Meeting

PM IYNC Games – The Louvre Abu Dhabi

Day 2. Monday, 30 Septemeber 2024

Welcome Remarks

Keynote speakers


Plenary 1: Nuclear Science and Technology’s Role in Addressing Climate Change

  • Interactive Discussion


Plenary 2: Sustainability within the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

  • Interactive Discussion


Plenary 3: Innovations Beyond Nuclear Power Generation

  • Interactive Discussion


Day 3. Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Plenary 4: Towards Sustainable Nuclear Communities

  • Interactive Discussion


Technical Tracks

10 technical tracks, focused on young professional paper presentations, will be held in parallel sessions:

– Track 1: Nuclear Power Plants – Design, Operation, Maintenance and Digitalization
– Track 2: Advanced Reactors, SMRs and Fusion Technologies
– Track 3: Nuclear Physics, Neutronics and Reactor Physics

– Track 4: Thermal Hydraulics
– Track 5: Nuclear and Structural Materials
– Track 6: Nuclear Safety, Security, Safeguards and Radiation Protection
– Track 7: Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Waste Management and Decommissioning
– Track 8: Policy, Economic and Social Aspects of Nuclear Technology Deployment – Track 9: Communication, Knowledge Management and YGN Best Practices
– Track 10: Non-Power Nuclear Applications


Parallel tracks with breaks held accordingly



Interactive workshops focused on soft and technical skill development
– Mastering Communication: Crafting Compelling Messages for Diverse Audiences
– InnoGames: Igniting Innovation through Interactive Workshops
– Atom’s Journey: Exploring Nuclear Energy Through Play
– Strategic Energy Planning for Net-Zero: Harnessing IAEA Tools for Tailored Solutions

– Global Pathways to Nuclear Energy: Crafting Regional Roadmaps

Panel 1: Global Perspectives: Nuclear Advocacy and Criticism Post-COP28

  • Interactive Discussion


  • Formal mentorship program 

Country, Regional and Observer Reports

  • Young Generation Networks and observers will present best practices and lessons learned


Day 4. Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Plenary 5: Emerging Nuclear Markets

  • Interactive Discussion


Technical Tracks

10 technical tracks, focused on young professional paper presentations, will be held in parallel sessions:

– Track 1: Nuclear Power Plants – Design, Operation, Maintenance and Digitalization
– Track 2: Advanced Reactors, SMRs and Fusion Technologies
– Track 3: Nuclear Physics, Neutronics and Reactor Physics

– Track 4: Thermal Hydraulics
– Track 5: Nuclear and Structural Materials
– Track 6: Nuclear Safety, Security, Safeguards and Radiation Protection
– Track 7: Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Waste Management and Decommissioning
– Track 8: Policy, Economic and Social Aspects of Nuclear Technology Deployment

– Track 9: Communication, Knowledge Management and YGN Best Practices
– Track 10: Non-Power Nuclear Applications


Parallel tracks with breaks held accordingly


Interactive workshops focused on soft and technical skill development
– InnoGames: Igniting Innovation through Interactive Workshops
– Next-Gen Nuclear: Innovating with Advanced Coolants
– AI Revolution in Nuclear: Developing Chatbots for Enhanced Efficiency
– Enhancing Safety in Nuclear Power Plants: A Deep Dive into Reactor Shop Safety

– Systems – Strategic Energy Planning for Net-Zero: Harnessing IAEA Tools for Tailored Solutions

Panel 2: Fusion Forum: Bridging Communities for Climate Action

  • Interactive Discussion

Panel 3: Diversity Drives Innovation: Building a Thriving Industry

  • Interactive Discussion


  • Informal speed-mentorship program


Day 5. Thursday, 3 October 2024

Plenary 6: Financing Good Projects

  • Interactive Discussion


Parallel tracks with breaks held accordingly


Interactive workshops focused on soft and technical skill development
– Synergy Workshop: Crafting Pathways for Integration
– Nuclear Energy in Tomorrow’s Energy Ecosystem
– NuclearFresk

Panel 4: Innovating to Scale: Empowering Nuclear Entrepreneurs

  • Interactive Discussion

Panel 5: Connecting Generations: Empowering Youth in Nuclear Networks

  • Interactive Discussion


Parallel tracks with breaks held accordingly


Interactive workshops focused on soft and technical skill development
– Mastering Communication: Crafting Compelling Messages for Diverse Audiences

– Mastering 3S (Safety, Security & Safeguards) Integration in Nuclear Facility Design

– Deciphering Safety Culture: Differentiating Climate from Culture
– Navigating Climate Diplomacy: UNFCCC Simulation Workshop

Panel 6: Compact Power: Advancing 3S in Small Modular Reactors and Advanced Nuclear Technologies

  • Interactive Discussion

Global Innovation for Nuclear (I4N) Competition

  • Champions of regional I4N competitions will vie for the coveted global prize


Day 6. Friday, 4 October 2024

Awards Ceremony & Announcements

  • Award distribution and announcement of IYNC2026 venue and 2024-2026 officers

Special Session: Youth Powering the Future

  • Interactive discussion

Closing Remarks

  • Keynote speakers

Adjourn. Conference closing

Optional Technical Tours

  • Medical and research centres

Day 7. Saturday, 5 October 2024

Optional Technical Tours

  • Barakah Nuclear Power Plant

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