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Last month, IYNC board members and officers travelled to Manchester in the United Kingdom to hold the Mid-term IYNC Board Meeting and also attend the European Nuclear Young Generation Forum (ENYGF). This forum brought together hundreds of young professionals working in nuclear from across Europe and the world. Many of the plenary discussions focused on the future of nuclear in the UK along with developments in other regions.

IYNC also had a booth during the exhibit portion of ENYGF where IYNC Vice President Luca Capriotti and IYNC Research Chair, Innovation Officer Fidelma Di Lemma engaged with represents of the nuclear industry and presented the upcoming congress (IYNC2018) in Bariloche, Argentina.

The UK and European professionals and students had a positive response to the booth, and were interested in joining the IYNC network and the newsletter. At the closing ceremony for ENYGF, Luca Capriotti also addressed the full audience with a short presentation on the network and its activities and presented a beautiful beta version of the promotional video for IYNC2018.

IYNC Research Chair, Innovation Officer Fidelma Di Lemma engaging with represents of the nuclear industry (Source: ENYGF)

IYNC Research Chair, Innovation Officer Fidelma Di Lemma engaging with represents of the nuclear industry (Source: ENYGF)

Exhibit hall and the IYNC booth (Source:ENYGF)

Exhibit hall and the IYNC booth (Source:ENYGF)

IYNC Vice President Luca Capriotti presenting on the network in front of the ENYGF audience.

IYNC Vice President Luca Capriotti presenting on the network in front of the ENYGF audience.

IYNC Communication Chair Lenka Kollar asking a question to plenary speaker on small modular reactors (Source: ENYGF)

IYNC Communication Chair Lenka Kollar asking a question to plenary speaker on small modular reactors (Source: ENYGF)

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