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The IV International Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) summit took place in Istanbul, Turkey, on March 8-9 , 2017. Denis Janin, IYNC President, participated on behalf of IYNC.

Turkey has been active since the 1970s in developing its nuclear power programme. Today, plans for nuclear power introduction are a key aspect of the country’s aim for economic growth. Three projects are in development at Akkuyu, Sinop and Igneada; sites aiming at installing 15 GWe of nuclear capacity.

The IV INPP gathered the partners involved in the development of the Turkish nuclear power program. More than 900 participants coming from 18 countries attended the event. The leading countries in nuclear technology introduction in Turkey: Russia, Japan, France and China sent large delegations. The challenge of national competencies and industrial capacity building was one of the main topics addressed.

Denis Janin introduced the IYNC activities and the role of nuclear Young Generation Networks (YGNs) in knowledge transfer in a panel session. YGNs are a unique opportunity to support knowledge transfer, communicate on nuclear sciences and technologies and encourage young professional’s networking.

This meeting was also an opportunity to meet with Atahan KİSECİK, IYNC Turkish National Representative and President of the Turkish YGN. The YGN in Turkey was established in 2013. It is a growing group with inspiring perspectives. As a newly established organisation the Turkish YGN expressed willingness to benefit from IYNC support to further develop its activities. IYNC responded positively and will be glad to collaborate further with the Turkish YGN in the future.


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