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By Denis Janin, IYNC President

The 3rd International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Nuclear Knowledge Management (NKM) conference took place November 7 – 11 in Vienna, Austria and gathered more than 500 participants. IYNC partnered with the IAEA and sponsored this event. An IYNC booth was located in the exhibition area. It was an excellent opportunity for IYNC, together with ENS-YGN and Austrian YGN, to present our activities and develop the IYNC network further.

IYNC coordinated with ENS-YGN on the satellite event “Attracting, Developing and Retaining Talents in Nuclear”. Five panellists joined this panel session. It was a unique opportunity to present the IYNC activities and share with the audience the motivation and passion of students and young generation professionals for nuclear science and applications. Among the most debated topics, the challenge to develop a skilled workforce in emerging countries, e.g. in Kenya, was discussed.

Knowledge transfer between generations and across international boundaries is at the heart of the IYNC mission. It was natural for IYNC to play an active role in this important conference. The interest both from IAEA and IYNC to continue to collaborate in the future on such topics was reaffirmed.

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