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Argentina has a long history of nuclear energy research, development and operation. Proof of its commitment to these activities is the foundation of the Atomic Energy Commission (Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, CNEA) in 1950. The country is capable of producing nuclear fuel elements which not only supply the national power reactors, but also those for research reactors in Argentina, Egypt, Algeria, Peru and Australia. There are three operating nuclear power plants in Argentina generating around 10% of the national electrical energy consumption. The government has plans to build more nuclear power plants, as well.

IYNCWiN18 will be hosted in Bariloche, a beautiful city in the province of Río Negro, Argentina, located 1640 km away from Buenos Aires.

Bariloche lays on the south shore of the Nahuel Huapi Lake, within the Nahuel Huapi National Park, at 770 meters above sea level. Being one of the most important tourist resorts in Argentina, this beautiful mountain village has become the entrance gate to Argentine Patagonia.

The urban zone has a unique landscape diversity that varies from the imposing scenery of the Andes and its rainforest, to the characteristic steppe-like vegetation in a short range of a few kilometers, thanks to its location in the transition zone between the pre-cordillera and the steppe.

Bariloche is also home to the Bariloche Atomic Center, devoted to basic and applied physics research along with nuclear and mechanical engineering. Basic research is focused on deepening understanding and development of nuclear energy. Applied sciences have provided support for both state and privately owned companies. The main areas of research include: materials, neutrons, thermodynamics and theoretical physics.

Within the complex operates the Balseiro Institute, a very prestigious university that offers physics, nuclear, mechanical and telecommunications engineering degrees. Also, RA-6, a 1 MW experimental reactor operates within the complex. RA-6 is used for educational proposes and to perform experiments and BNCT medical treatments for terminal cancer patients.


More practical information:

Health services in Bariloche

Police Tel 101 Police office (Civic Centre) +54- 2944 422772

Fire station: 100

Tourism Secretariat. Tel: +54-2944 429850

Bariloche International Airport tel: +54-2944 422555

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